Sunday 28 October 2007

Trick Or Treat, Smell my feet or
Gimme something good to eat!

Yup! It's Nearly Halloween - All Hallow Eve 萬聖夜 (萬聖节的前夜)
Wanna to know more about Halloween - Click Here.

I bought some candy (lollipop) in case there is a trick or treat / guising.
The title comes from a song, listen to all the halloween song by monty harper.

Well as today is Sunday, so Sheffield City Center decided the celebration to be slightly earlier. Me and my roommate went to the city center to have a look at the celebration. It was quite fun though with lots of people. Well, enjoy the photos.

Saturday 27 October 2007

Yummy Yum Yum 002

The most important meal for Ah Ming is breakfast.

The bread is ~15 pences, the ham is ~15 pences, the tomato and cucumber is ~15 pences and the milo is ~4 pences. Yes, it rounds up to about the price of the mug ~49 pences

So found the answer? It is printed on the mug.

Ah Ming's Theory 004 - Chocolate Craze

What do you call someone who is crazy about Hot Chocolate?
Answer is found in the coming post on Yummy Yum Yum 02.

Trying out OMNet++ (tictoc tutorial part 1)

Following up with the previous post.
To check whether OMNET is successfully installed, just follow the TICTOC tutorial and run it. If it is successfully it should look something like the following picture.

Trying out OMNet++ (Installation)

OMNet++ is a simple simulation tools for network simulation. It is free for non-commercial usage and it is quite easy to setup as it runs on Windows XP.

To make life simple for myself and others, here is a short summary for the installations. Use Internet Explorer for the following downloads, as Microsoft will do the necessary WGA checks.

Visual C++ Express 2005Platform SDK from MicrosoftDownload OMNet++ version 3.3
Download GViewer version 4.8Download Ghostscript 8.53Download Visual C++ 2005 patch Lib for OMNet++
Download VIM version 7.1

Step 1) Install Visual C++
Just use the default setting would do.
I choose full installation which includes MSDN library as well as MS SQL database. It downloads both the MSDN library and MS SQL, hence it will take a while.

Step 2) Install Platform SDK
Create a temp folder at C:\ named TEMP-PSDK
Create a temp folder at C:\ named PSDK

Double click on PSDK-FULL.EXE,
It will create 2 files, <PSDK-FULL.bat and Extract.exe>

Opens Command Prompt and goes to TEMP-PSDK
Type the following:


Basically, what you have downloaded needs to be extracted before you can do the installation. The batch files and extract program will be extracted once you run PSDK-FULL.EXE. By the running the batch file extracts the actual installation files.

Step 3) Install OMNET++
First >> Install GhostScript, GViewer and VIM
Just use the default setting

Next >> Install OMNETPP-3.3-win32.exe
Uncheck the box that mentioned Visual C++ 6 integration
When it comes to the point for Ghostscript path use the following.
*Installer does not understand blank space

Next >> Unzip Visual C++ 2005 patch Lib for OMNet++
Overwrite the library file for vc80 with the unzip library file at
>> C:\Program Files\OMNeT++\lib

Next >> Edit using VIM
Append at the end of the file with the following:

# Patch begin
# default /ML will use LIBC.lib
!if "$(LIB_SUFFIX)"==".dll"


# Patch end

Step 4) Setup OMNet Environment
First >> Create a batch file at C:\omnetenv.bat using VIM with the following code.
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat"

SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Bin
SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include
SET LIB=%LIB%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib

Next >> Create a shortcut - OMNeT++ Development
Target: %comspec% /k C:\omnetenv.bat
This points to the batch file previous created.

Friday 26 October 2007

Do you remember those bits and bytes? Here we go again.

Do you remember those bits and bytes?
Long long time ago, Well it is not so long ago actually.

There were no Internet, and not even BBS.
There were not even much PC out there,

Uncle Bill claim that
"640KiB ought to be enough for anybody. - 1981"

(1 KiB = 1024 Byte)

Well here we go again.
You just bought a new machine that has 4GiB RAM. Then you checked the System Info. Hey! Where is my 4GiB of RAM??????

Here's the problem,

So, where did Uncle Bill get his idea that 32 bit barrier is 2GiB
At 24:18, He mentioned about IBM Mainframe with 2GiB of RAM that uses 31 bit addressing space.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Ah Ming's Theory 003 - Another IITian

Saw this on the back of a computer magazine today, and it seems interesting when Dilbert mentioned about Asok.

Saturday 20 October 2007

Ah Ming's Theory 002 - Why it is called the Castle Market

I think I just show you this photo a few days ago. Nope it is not about the loo (as in Toilet - British Slang). It is about the Castle Top.

Castle Market

It is called Castle Market as it is built on top of Sheffield original Castle.
Wikipedia on Sheffield Castle
It is a site of a former Anglo-Saxon long house.

Went to the department

Yesterday, as I have quite a bit of documents to print, hence I went to the department. Here are some photos along the way. Somehow the university decided all the new building will be green in color. I still prefer the red brick anyway.

Friday 19 October 2007

Yummy Yum Yum 001

No banana for Ah Ming today. Will eat something special. Today went to buy something to eat, suddenly something interesting appear before my eyes. It's a Pork Knuckle!!!

Pork Knuckle with Pasta

*(actually there is only half of it, the other half is cut and put in fridge).
Nice isn't it. It is not too expensive, it is only £2.50 ~S$7.50 for the Pork Knuckle.

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Ah Ming's Theory 001 - What is IIT?

After 2 weeks of writing IIT in my e-mail, suddenly I realized something.
IIT stands for Indian Institutes of Technology! Woah!!!!

Oh! Now I get it!!!! Sorry, I am slow!!!!
We should call ourself, IITians.

Wants to know more about IIT?
Wiki has it -

Let's IIT the Simpson Way. ;p

Image Retargetting - Rsizr

Recently I saw a image retargetting video on Youtube.

Well you can now try out the image retargetting technology yourself.
Have Fun.

Having problem, go to it's main site.

Craft Life the Simpson Way

After watching this, blogging is much more realistic.

Monday 15 October 2007

Visit the market

Too used to Sheffield, so did not really take much pictures. Today is Monday, and to avoid people, hence do some laundry and go to market to buy stuff for this week. Got some apples, tomatos, patotos, cabbage, chicken (drum stick), ham and eggs.

Sunday 14 October 2007

Mini Chips

I seldom buy junk food to eat. Well, this is only 10 pence (30 cents), so give it a try. I would expect to be original size but comes with a few pieces only. It turns out to be really mini. It comes with Original, Texas BBQ sauce and Sour Cream and Onion (my favorite).

International Chinese Debate




其中的第十场辩论赛将于10月12日,周五11:00---12:00 在谢菲尔德大学(Mapping Hall, Sir Frederick, Mapping Building, Mapping Street, S1 3JD)举行。


谢大 :Richard Duffy, Jodie Gardiner and Lance Pursey(东亚系)
主题 :谢菲尔德大学VS浙江大学 辩题:赡养老人,社会责任大于家庭责任还是家庭责任大于社会责任
背景资料 :作为计划生育和医疗改革的结果,赡养老人已成为今日中国的一个有争议的问题。谁该对我们的 老人们负责任?传统的中国观点认为老人是子女们义不容辞的责任,但在世界的其他许多国家,这个责任被归于国家。

即时新闻 - 谢菲尔德:CCTV 华语辩论赛

Saturday 13 October 2007

Moving into Student Apartment

Hi there,

Today, I have moved into my student apartment.
Here are some photos I took, will show more as it goes along.