Tuesday 15 January 2008

Trip to Germany (Hunstetten)

I was on a trip to Germany to my friend house during New Year for a Week. I did not take much photos for that week. Well it was snowing for the whole week in Germany and the temperature was sub zero. I landed on Frankfurt airport and my friend pick me up to his place.

During the New Year Eve, my friends bought a few fireworks that look like the following pack. As it is country side, so it is not a problem for them to put up fireworks.

Here is one of the many fireworks that we put up.

A video that we visited a near by farm.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Say Cheese!

Considering purchasing a new camera, Well I think we have to take HD into consideration as well. I think we are going ahead with 720p for most HD, and I found a very interesting digital camera that will just do that. Well it can do additional things such as 60fps.

Casio Camera

Here is the Youtube video about this camera

Well I think storage will be high essential for this product.


Monday 7 January 2008

New Intel Processor

Wondering what you are going to get in your new MAC machine in the coming months. Here is something that you can look forward for 45nm Intel Processor which is release yesterday 6 Jan 2008.

Video for Penryn Launch (mouse over to see the play button)

So what does it mean! :)
Actually what does it mean to people working in Mobile and Wireless industry.
Penryn is the new processor for Intel new architecture - Montevina platform that will support WiMAX. Well your next Notebook (3 years from now) should at least be WiMax enabled.

Sunday 6 January 2008


Fancy a tablet PC? How about a tablet MAC instead?

Yup! I think this is 2008 most talk about gadget to own.
You get order via here.

Well it's a brand new year, what is your new year resolution?
More new year song for everyone.

Sugababes - New Year

PS. Sorry, have not got time to sort out my Germany Trip. Yup! I am back in Sheffield now. Will update everyone once I am done.