Tuesday 4 March 2008

Trip to Warwick

Last Saturday, I went to a trip to Warwick Castle. Again, organised by the Student Union of course. I forgot my memory card and only discovered it after I started the journey. So I end up purchasing the memory from the store at Warwick.

It was quite worth it, only £19 pounds for the trip. The entrance ticket worth £18, if I go myself (See the photos). I suppose the Student Union has some deals with them. I got to dress up myself for battle. So are you ready? Could you spot something interesting in the photos?

Hint: there are real people dressed up, and some not real people look extremely real.
Which is which? The lady I stand next to, or the man I stand next to?

1 comment:

SharonYeo said...

Ur pictures all sooo niceee!! Can I like take some of them and use it as my desktop display piture!? hahahaha... Really lo~